Nimble - #10 of Leading CRM Tools

Nimble Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading CRM Tools Nimble

Nimble Work Page

Work Screenshot from the Award Winning Best CRM Tools Nimble

Nimble Blog Page

Blog Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading CRM Tools Nimble


Nimble, a CRM tool that helps manage customer relationships with ease, has a whole host of dynamic features that streamline sales and marketing data analysis. One of the programs highlight features in Contact Record, which helps send messages from programs like Gmail, Outlook, and Hootsuite. It will assess shared interests and tell you if a contact is relevant to your business. One can categorize groups via tags and saved searches. Thus, companies can see which connections they share with every contact they make. The inbox compiles lots of comments, messages, and invites into one central zone. The "Today Page" details the ToDo List, Engagement Opportunities, Milestones, and more. Interestingly, every time an individual signs in to Nimble, they'll be presented with several contacts who have a job title or a relevant keyword that you have chosen as significant. The "Signals" tab combines data from poplar social media like Facebook and Twitter.