Keep track of communications, promising leads, email marketing, transactions, performance reports, and more, ultimately regulating customer relationships with the best startup CRM software on the web, Vtiger. Delegate scopes of meeting certain obligations to owners, managers, and employees, with tasks of ground-level employees able to be outlined in interactive and informative workflows, letting workers know when they should pass obligations on to others. Never again lose potential opportunities by forgetting who to contact and when, as Vtiger lists and ranks leads and deadlines to contact customers by. Email marketing has never been easier, with options to create and save custom templates, Vtiger's automation of adding individualized names to particular emails, and metrics to deduce how effective various marketing strategies are. This leading startup CRM software can even create sales forecasts looking forward, as well as automated analyses of past financial performance. Build your startup to epic proportions through beefing up customer relationships with Vtiger.