Startups love the CRM provided by Insightly. There may be no online tool that is more versatile at CRM services. At, you can sign up for a free trial, and you can take this CRM title through its paces. While at their site, the makers of Insightly encourage you to unleash your inner hero. That hero may be unleashed through the use of contact management features, or it may be hiding in their project management tools. Wherever that hero likes to hide, there are many nooks and crannies within Insightly CRM. This is a vast and wide CRM tool, but it retains no fat. Insightly claims a wide array of customers. Their biggest clients include enterprise players, but they offer service levels that make sense for startup companies, too. Is Insightly ¨right sized¨ for your interests. The easiest way to answer that question is to use their free trial.