Hubspot is a company that provides businesses around the world with modern, market-tested CRM solutions. The roots of this company stem back to 2004, where the founders first met as graduate students from MIT. With their experiences consulting venture-backed startups, the founders began to realize that times had changed, especially in the world of marketing and advertisement. Interruptive marketing and sales tactics such as email blasts and cold calls, which has been staples in the industry for decades, were now easily ignored by modern customers. Rather than try to combat this trend, Hubspot was built upon the principle of embracing the changing mood. To do this, Hubspot has developed strategies in order to help business reach customers in an innovative, new manner: as helpers and not as pushy salespeople. The CRM (customer relation management) software available through Hubspot is an indispensable tool for clients to see how their specific demographics are reacting to changes in business, in real time.