Workbooks CRM Software handles a host of services for companies, including marketing, sales and customer service. They won CRM of the Year in 2016 and allow users to integrate Workbooks with common applications, including Zapier, HubSpot, Google Docs, MailChimp and Outlook. Their marketing services include online lead capture, lead management, marketing for events and campaigns, automation, dashboards and analytics. Their sales services including tracking opportunities, forecasting, workflows and performance monitoring. Their customer services include support tickets, automation, service metrics, renewals and profiling. They offer additional services as well, depending on client needs. Their website includes resources for anyone who needs help with CRM. Watch webinars on topics like keeping your customers happy with cross-selling techniques. There are also white papers available, such as how to successfully setup CRM for your business. They also have a walk-through that will show you how much of a return on investment your business could see by using CRM software.