Open source CRM software has changed the dynamic in the customer relations space. CiviCRM has implemented a broad platform with 11 components. They start with contacts and end with peer-to-peer fundraisers. Contributions and events have their own impact on audiences so capturing relevant information for a call-to-action that gets results is critical. They achieve the desired metrics from a focus on memberships through email marketing. There are reports that can be generated for real-time insights and the guidance to re-market where needed. CiviCRM makes developing and executing advocacy campaigns that supercharge the cause. This is a user-friendly platform that is easy to configure and customize based on the industry or project. Accounting infrastructures are seamlessly integrated for simple reporting. Clients have freedom to manage cases, consumer regions, departments, and more. There are videos and a demo along with plenty of tutorial documentation to make this open source CRM a solid fit.