C2CRM is customer relationship management software (CRM) developed by ClearC2, a Premier IBM Business Partner. A single screen view offers a unified presentation of customer interactions such as sales, contacts and quotes. In addition, customer information is cross-referenced by location, account status, history and opportunities for revenue. The software will auto-schedule customers according to a set of priorities defined by the business. Convert paper forms already in use into custom digital forms, allowing the creation of reports based on information contained in the form. Logos, names, artwork and a variety of other customization options allow companies to tailor the package for a unified presentation of company image. Create sales scripts and lead qualifications to suit specific industries and situations. Sales information is unified throughout the business, providing for better coordination among management and executive teams. C2CRM creates custom reporting and detailed charts from user defined data. In-depth analysis makes it possible to understand how accounts and managers are performing.