In 2016, interacting with your customers should prove seamless and simple; opting for Intercom can allow you to achieve this goal. Instead of navigating myriad venues to connect with your consumers, Intercom can allow direct access. This system offers three primary venues of better communication. For example, you can install a live chat feature on your website. For a generation that is hesitant to make phone calls, this feature can quickly transmute interested parties into dedicated customers. In addition to bringing in new customers, you can also use this tool and similar ones to quickly address inquiries and concerns from current clients. The more efficient you are in responding to them, the more likely they may be to remain as customers. You can also set up a system of messages within the application to remain in contact and to alert interested parties to information that may be of use to them. Working with Intercom affords you the opportunity to create a system that speaks to the needs of your business.